I just wanted to send out a quick thank you note to Brian Thomas and his people over at the South King County chapter of Resurrection MC for their support this last weekend. I find it difficult to ask perfect strangers to trust me with their hard earned money so I felt like I should spend some time with the members of the MC and at least explain where their money was going.
My wife injured her knee at work the day before and didn’t think that she could keep up with a 4 year old or an 11 month old that is now walking when she could hardly stand on her own. I for one don’t blame her… those guys run me ragged! Even though I didn’t participate in the poker run like I wanted to, members of the MC were very welcoming and even poked their heads around the corner to say hi to my wife and kids in the car.
I met up with some other members of the MC at the park in Maple Valley and even though I hadn’t been introduced, they were just as welcoming and friendly of bunch as you could ever want to meet. Brian and the guys on the poker run hadn’t returned and my kids were sleeping so we decided to go for a short drive while we waited for the group to return. About two hours later we returned to find Brian jumping in his truck to take care of one of the guys crashed bikes. I found that one of the riders wrecked his bike and was out with a broken arm and Brian was going to retrieve the bike for his buddy.
The funny thing is, Brian was still concerned with getting me the donations from the ride even though he had all of these other things to worry about and deal with. I didn’t want to get in the way so I told him to not worry about it and he still was trying to tell me that my wife and kids were more than welcome to go and hang out with everyone. Unfortunately my wife had a final test for one of her online classes that was due in only a few hours so we had to leave.
So, to make an already long post longer, thank you so very much for supporting us this year and I hope that you all had a great time. Also, I wish for a quick recovery for your friend and would love to see photos or video of the jousting!
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